De Tandartsengroep
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Leading in the Netherlands' dental care


Partner since






De Tandartsengroep (DTG or DDG) has become a leading platform organisation in the Netherlands’ dental care sector, as a result of an active buy-and-build strategy. The group is built according to a hub-and-spoke model and consists of several high-quality dental practices managed by dental entrepreneurs.

The entrepreneurs within the group operate largely independently within their region, while benefiting from centralised support services. For example, business development, financial administration, financing, HRM, marketing, and data analysis are largely managed as joint centralised services within the group.

De Tandartsengroep focuses on providing preventive care, realising a one-stop-shop treatment model for clients, and offering and developing innovative solutions in-house. With this business model, De Tandartsengroep is particularly well-positioned to provide the best healthcare to patients.



Robert Verwoerd


Niels de Jong


Derk Mulder

Investment Manager


Alexander Tolmeijer

Advisor, dentist and former vice-chairman KNMT

The collaboration with HC Partners is different than with an investor in a chain. In my experience, they are clear, knowledgeable and highly involved.

This relates to the investment and return, but also to the care itself and its quality. In recent years, I experienced this with decisions related to acquisitions, renovations and new initiatives. The quality and philosophy must be good, only then does it make sense for HC Partners to work together.

With all the financial processes involved with managing a larger group, their expertise and professionalism are evident every time. They are pleasant people whose basic principle is: solving problems together.